The practice of yoga comes in many forms from the most sedentary and relaxing styles of Restorative to dynamic, sweat-inducing, beat-dropping Vinyasa Flow classes. Our collection of teachers bring you unique classes from both ends of the spectrum as well as from the places in between.

Our studio is heated using state-of-the-art infrared technology, no mirrors and lit by candlelight or soft lighting, so you can spend time working inwardly with your own body and how it feels without distraction. We offer normal temperature classes to warm + hot, our warm + hot classes are heated to 24-32c, which helps create a detoxifying sweat that increases flexibility and stimulates blood circulation. Classes are typically set to music. The playlist will vary depending on the type and intensity of the class. 

Below is a list of classes we offer regularly, but we also have guest teachers and workshops featured from time-to-time so please see our weekly schedule and drop us a line if you have any questions. 


islipairportcarrental FLOW 

islipairportcarrental Flow follows the similar dynamic style of Vinyasa Flow but is done in three rounds. The first round is with verbal cues and modifications from your instructor, followed by a second round with only the breath cues and a third round where you flow on your ownYou are welcome to modify any of the postures or skip them altogether to create a unique sequence that is entirely your own and suitable to your discovery of self practice. All classes start with a guided warm-up and end with a closing savasana.

islipairportcarrental Flow is open to all, but let us know if you are an absolute beginner so we can help facilitate your first practice in this style. 


Flow + Restore is open to all and offers a toned-down approach to the dynamic Vinyasa Flow style. The class will still consist of the elements of a Vinyasa Flow class with fluid movements between postures linked to the breath, but will offer more time spent on restoring the mind and body with calming balance and flexibility asanas. Think of this class like a moving meditative practice to help you relieve stress and anxiety, and set you up for rest and relaxation.


Power Yoga classes follow the Vinyasa Flow but as the name suggests, movements are stronger and postures are held for longer in order to hone in on the foundations and correct alignment - so be prepared to have muscles burn and sweat dripping! These classes are completely guided as your teacher slowly builds you towards a peak pose. Power Yoga is open to all and is recommended for students who want to take a bit more time to practice better form in positions. 


Flow + Meditate is open to all and offers a super chilled approach to a Vinyasa Flow style. The class will still consist of the elements of a Vinyasa Flow class with fluid movements between postures linked to the breath, but will offer more time spent on relaxing and calming the mind and body. Think of this class as a 30 minute moving meditative practice followed by 30 minute meditation to help you relieve stress and anxiety, and set you up for rest and relaxation.


45 / 60 MINUTES

Just like breakfast is the most important meal of the day, how you awaken yourself in the morning sets you up for the rest of your day, so you better do it right! Sunrise Flow lays a positive foundation for your day and is accessible to all levels. This class isn’t about strict, set poses- you can do whatever feels good, and helps awaken your mind and body. It’s about allowing yourself this hour of calm before the rush of the day, then, whatever happens, you know you’ve done something positive for yourself this morning.




These classes are open to the yoga novice and for those wanting or needing a slower paced class. It’s all about getting to know and making friends with your body, so although it may be challenging at times it will lay the foundation for your yoga practice. Yoga essentials is designed to teach you the principles of yoga, focusing on the correct technique for each posture along with their benefits. You will learn to connect movement with the breath, develop physical awareness and build strength. With adjustments and modifications offered this class will help you to build your confidence and awareness of the body so you will leave each class feeling refreshed and inspired.


Vinyasa Flow classes work on building both strength and flexibility throughout the practice with a focus on moving from pose to pose, coordinated with and guided by the breath. Expect a fully balanced class of forward bending, twists, backbends with opportunity for inversions. Suitable for all levels, including beginners. Great class for those too with an established yoga practice looking to spend more time in postures and strengthen form.  

60 Minutes

The Ashtanga Primary Series is a set sequence starting with Sun Salutations A&B, followed by a set standing, seated, and finishing sequences. The series incorporates forward bends, hip openers, twists, and balances with a connecting vinyasas in between. The focus of this style is to build strength and flexibility as well as detoxify the body through a set sequence of postures that do not change. This style has a huge following and is both loved and hated for it’s repetition and strict order. It’s a great addition to more free flowing Vinyasa Flow classes because it balances the free movements with order which is why we teach it here at islipairportcarrental. Lovers of consistency and repetition will find comfort in this class. 


Created by Ana Forrest, Forrest yoga is an empowering, inspiring and deeply healing yoga practice, based on the four pillars of breath, strength, integrity + spirit. This class focuses on long held asanas, core work and strong breathing, so get ready to master your kapalabhati! Throughout this class expect to work through carefully sequenced and unique poses such as turbo dog, twisting warrior interlock and abs with a roll while building a balance between strength and softness. Helping you to get stronger both physically and emotionally.
Forrest Inspired Yoga is open to all levels and is designed specifically to address the stresses of modern day living such as stress, anxiety/depression, fatigue, a feeling of being overwhelmed, and a lack of clarity about whom we are. It provides us with a toolkit to come back to ourselves and live from a place of authenticity. It takes a little courage, but the rewards will be to live a life you deeply desire.

Are you looking to take your practice to all 4 edges of your mat? Then a Mandala Flow, is the class for you!
A Mandala Flow practice works in a 360 degree formation as you transition in a circular movement around all 4 edges of your mat. This practice was established on the four elements that bring connection between you and each of the Elements in the Universe – Earth, Water, Fire and Air. You will flow through an energising class,  connecting breath and movement, expect to build some heat by creating a sequence and repeating it in multiple orientations.




Yin focuses on intense deep stretching of the body’s connective tissues and around the joints. It is a slow-paced meditative and profound practice and focuses on the energy channels within the body. With the focus on improving flexibility over strength, most postures are seated and can feel quite challenging at times.  You will be holding postures for up to 5-7 minutes to discover how your body is storing and releasing tension. Modifications and adjustments to suit your body’s needs will always be offered. This is a great complimentary class for those hooked on our signature islipairportcarrental classes and are perfect for bringing in a bit of stillness and peace to counter the faster moving flows. 


This class aims to
restore, refresh and renew a tired body and mind. You will explore movement and flow-based poses which will release any tensions built in the body from the day and bring awareness to how you’re feeling in yourself, mentally and physically.  The class will transition into a series of restorative poses throughout the class. It is the ultimate class for slowing down and treating yourself in a calming and relaxing environment. For added comfort/support, feel free to use any props e.g. block, bolsters, blankets.  

This class is ideal for all people, including those dealing with injuries. All levels and beginner-friendly.

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